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Mrs. Jennifer Greer To All Instructors

Hi! I am Jennifer Greer, but I go by JeJe (pronounced gee-gee). I have been married to the most wonderful man, Drew, since 2004 (nearly 19 years now!), and we have 2 amazing, kind, loving, gorgeous, and completely different daughters who attend SALT. This is my 10th year homeschooling, and I cannot imagine a better way to be able to educate my children. The relationship that I have with my daughters would never have been possible without homeschooling. 

You see, I have a degree from Harvard Law School and used it to be a real estate agent in a ski resort community for 16 years. I barely saw my kids when they were small. Then, at the end of her second-grade year, my oldest daughter asked me to homeschool her. I looked at her sweet, innocent face and realized that she needed a Mom, not a source of a paycheck who dropped her off at daycare or school every morning as soon as it opened and picked her up as one of the last kids to leave, only to come home and go right back to work after dinner. Other people were raising my kids! I tried to homeschool both daughters and work in real estate for about 5 years, but realized that I was not doing either one well. So I sought God's advice, and asked Him to help me discern what I should do. It became absolutely clear to me that my children needed a Mom, that money was not everything, and that sending my children to public school would be a disservice to them, the world, and God. It was very hard to give up a very financially lucrative career to homeschool full time, but God has always provided all that we need. 

The opportunity to become a teacher at SALT was offered to me in the spring of 2023 after my family moved to Palm City from Colorado, and I could not have been more excited. I now get to spend my days homeschooling my daughters, preparing for and teaching classes, taking care of my household, working on showing and breeding my Golden Retrievers, and helping in the development of the minds and talents of beautiful young people. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your children's education. It is a true privilege.

Current Classes
4-5G ART | MON ONLY – (open)
HS DEBATE | TUE-THU – (open)